Vithushan Sylvester

Vithushan Sylvester

An evangelist and researcher in the field of AI and Machine Learning, passionate about transforming ideas into impactful solutions.


Experience & Projects

A journey through my professional experiences





Leading the engineering team at IdeaboxAI while contributing to the strategic directions of the organization. IdeaboxAI is an AI company focused on enabling consumers and businesses to leverage AI in their daily lives through innovative AI Agents.




Technical Lead

Responsible for the development of the metadata platform and core AI engine that powers the Rightdata platform.




Lead Engineer & Founding Team Member

Led the core engineering team at Experienz, a Mitra group subsidiary, developing a B2B SaaS platform for simplified ESG adherence and compliance monitoring.

Mitra AI

Mitra AI


Consultant for Engineering

Worked with core engineering teams to establish technical gateways in enterprise integration, AI implementation, and product development across the low-code ecosystem.


Academic background and achievements

University of Moratuwa

University of Moratuwa

Dec 2024 - Jan 2027

Master of Science - MS, Artificial Intelligence

This postgraduate program is offered by department of computational mathematics and focuses on delivering taught modules around mathematics and artificial intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)Mathematics
University of Westminster

University of Westminster

2019 - 2024

Bachelor of Engineering (BEng), Software Engineering

Grade: First Class Honours

Full scholarship student | Student Representative | School of Computer Science and Engineering. Campus: Informatics Institute of Technology, Sri Lanka.

Activities and societies: Student member at Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers(IEEE) | Member of Leo Club of IIT


Featured Talks

Sharing knowledge and insights at various events

Research Publications

Academic contributions to the field of AI and Machine Learning

Featured Articles

Thoughts and insights on AI, technology, and innovation